The Incredible History of Coffee
The extraordinary history of coffee is
filled with delight, devotion, intolerance, and intrigue.
Exactly where and when coffee was
first cultivated is debated, but botanical evidence confirms that
Coffea Arabica originated on the plateaus of central Abyssinia
(now Ethiopia), several thousand feet above sea level. Coffee
trees still grow wild there in the shade of the canopies of the
highland forests.
Turkish Coffee, continued...
The worlds first known coffee shop, Kiva Han, opened in Constantinople
in 1475, followed by numerous others that opened across Arabia and Turkey.
As coffee became widely popular, religious Moslems were insulted that their
sacramental drink was being shared by secular sippers and placed a ban on
coffee houses. The Sheikh Ul-Islam issued a proclamation to the effect that
drinking coffee is not religiously permissible.
Eventually, even the secular leaders were threatened by the power of coffee.
The leaders of the Ottoman Empire saw it as a threat to their rule. They
noticed that gathering together in coffee fueled conversation stimulated
people to discuss important issues, such as the suitability of the rulers.
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Coffee Blog