The Incredible History of Coffee
The extraordinary history of coffee is
filled with delight, devotion, intolerance, and intrigue.
Exactly where and when coffee was
first cultivated is debated, but botanical evidence confirms that
Coffea Arabica originated on the plateaus of central Abyssinia
(now Ethiopia), several thousand feet above sea level. Coffee
trees still grow wild there in the shade of the canopies of the
highland forests.
Coffee’s Liberation
maintained its popularity despite the prohibitions, arrests,
and even executions. Unable to stop the coffee drinkers,
the rulers decided to profit from them. Coffee became legal
again and was taxed heavily. However, in order to maintain
their control over coffee, transportation of anything other
than roasted or boiled beans was forbidden - these forms
of the coffee bean not able to propagate new plants.
It took a 17th century Sufi holy man from India named Baba
Budan to liberate the much loved beans....
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Coffee Blog