The Incredible History of Coffee
The extraordinary history of coffee is
filled with delight, devotion, intolerance, and intrigue.
Exactly where and when coffee was
first cultivated is debated, but botanical evidence confirms that
Coffea Arabica originated on the plateaus of central Abyssinia
(now Ethiopia), several thousand feet above sea level. Coffee
trees still grow wild there in the shade of the canopies of the
highland forests.
The Kaldi Coffee Legend:
has it that sometime between the 6th and 9th centuries an
Abyssinian goat-herd named Kaldi noticed a discerned up-tempo
to the frolic in his herd as they grazed on the berries
of a certain bush. Not wanting his herd to get away from
him, adventurous Kaldi sampled the ruby red berries and
soon discovered that he too had added a certain hop to his
Word of the stimulant
properties of the local berries spread and, much as Yemeni laborers
chewed khat leaves and Andean messengers coca leaf, the
local native tribes fueled up on protein rich coffee and
animal fat balls for an early African highland version of
a caffeinated power bar.
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Coffee Blog